Kathie Heasler Be You

Ear Candling

Primarily an energy-based healing tool, ear candling encourages flow through existing passageways while strengthening health capacity on many levels, including:

  • Improvement of hearing and balance
  • Harmonization of endocrine and limbic systems
  • Reduction of inner stress and calmer effects from flight-fight state

For an ear candling session, you are positioned lying on your side with neck and head nestled amongst pillows and towels arranged in a comfortable and supportive manner. Composed of layers of beeswax-soaked cloth the candle is placed in the outer ear canal balanced to 90 degrees, approximately, and lit. After taking every necessary preparation and precaution for our safety the application of relaxation and therapeutics begins. With tissues surrounding the ear canal sufficiently warmed I massage the areas around the shoulder, neck and face. The gentle manoeuvres, purposely directed, support drainage of accumulated lymph and leave you feeling highly comforted. I also work the reflex points on your hand to further the movement of lymph and improve healing. Once having burned for an efficient duration the candle is removed and I have you move position then we set up with a new candle and begin to bring warmth and balance to your opposite ear.

Although ear wax is reportedly found in the waxy stubbed portion left behind at the completion of a treatment, your ear candling session does not depend on any vacuum related aspects to accomplish this and many of the following amazing benefits:

  • Cleared sinus congestion
  • Relief from vertigo or dizziness
  • Prevention and reduction of many types of headaches
  • Boosted immune system

Note:  Results can vary from individual to individual. Ear candling is not a medical procedure. Should a client understand they suffer a hearing related issue and/or other conditions pertaining to problems within their exterior and/or middle ear canal Kathie Heasler Be You recommends they consult a western allopathically trained physician.

Ear Candling Consultations

If you are thinking about having your ears candled for the first time but don’t know where to start, or perhaps have done it before but feel unsure or uncomfortable about doing another round, I can coach you through the entire process. With 11+ years of experience, and hundreds of ear candlings given, I am fully insured and carry certification in Ear Candling through the Gilded Candle. I am so passionate about the benefits of holistic health practices that I now offer you the opportunity to learn how you can help yourself and anyone you care about feel balanced and rejuvenated.

To deliver maximum value through an ear candling session I can guide you through every step, from beginning to end. Allow me to ensure that you are prepared, and feel confident to carry out an ear candling for a loved one, friend or peer.

During our consultation I will provide details on:

  • The set-up for an ear candling session
  • Safety precautions that must be upheld with every ear candling session
  • Manoeuvres that enable you to deliver a safe and efficient ear candling experience
  • Optional, but complementary reflexology techniques to enhance lymph drainage
  • Follow up feedback and supportive measures to ensure further successful outcomes

Online Ear Candling Consultations are provided so you can learn how to give and receive an ear candling session from your home, or similar suitable environment, please note:  NEVER candle your own ears, always have assistance from a family member or trusted friend.